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Gas service

regional production management of gas economy in Kamenets


Postal address: 225051, Kamenets, Dzerzhinsky St., 27.

Phone: (+375 1631) 2-12-47, 2-12-32.

Phone/fax: (+375 1631) 2-50-04.

The list of the services rendered to citizens

RPU "Kamenetsraygaz"

The services rendered to citizens The list of documents or the information provided by the citizen Terms of issue of the document or implementation of the application

Position of the worker responsible for performance of the corresponding functions,

location (office No.), number of office phone,

operating time

1 2 3 4
1. Reception of handling about emergency cases of the household gas equipment and intra house systems of gas supply 1) Phone call or personal address (round the clock) Departure of emergency crew according to the application within five minutes

Senior master of ADS,

office No. 3,

ph. 2-10-92;

operator ADS, ph. 104, 2-11-04;

round the clock

2. Performance of technical repair works according to applications 1) Phone call or personal address (round the clock) In the terms coordinated with the citizen according to the application

Senior master of ADS,

office No. 3,

ph. 2-10-92;

operator ADS, ph. 104, 2-11-04

3. Delivery of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases to the citizen in cylinders weighing 21 kg 1) Phone call or personal address (round the clock) (By rules of technical safety gas is delivered during daylight hours)

Senior master of service of transport and realization of gas, office No. 59,

ph. 2-37-90,

from 8:00 till 17:00

in the working days

4. Rendering services in gasification of a one-apartment house with individual balloon installation

1) Statement

2) Passport or other identity document


Senior master of service of transport and realization of gas, office No. 59,

ph. 2-37-90,

from 8:00 till 17:00

in the working days

5. Installation, dismantle, shift and replacement of the household gas equipment

1) Statement

2) Passport of the gas equipment

In coordination with the citizen

Master of service of operation,

office No. 20,

building of ADS

from 8:00 till 17:00

in the working days

6. Training of citizens in instructions for use gas in life 1) Passport or other identity document Daily

Master of service of operation,

office No. 20,

building of ADS

from 8:00 till 17:00

in the working days

7. Performance of installation and construction works of systems of gas supply design estimates According to the contract

Senior master of service RSU,

to cabin No. 20,

1 floor of ABK,

ph. 2-10-84,

from 8:00 till 17:00

in the working days

8. Service of coppers of the increased comfort

1) Statement

2) Passport of the gas equipment

According to the contract

Master of service of operation,

office No. 20,

building of ADS,

ph. 2-16-05,

from 8:00 till 17:00

in the working days

9. Installation of the gas-balloon equipment of the car with the injector engine

1) Personal address

2) The registration certificate on the car

In the terms coordinated with the citizen

Mechanic of service of transport and realization of gas,

office No. 35,

ph. 2-10-83