Weather in Kamenets:

Useful links:

On a meeting with Bialowieza Forest

Музей «Каменецкая башня»

Музей «Каменецкая башня»

String of a route:

Kamenets – Dmitrovichi – Kamenyuki (25 km)

type of a route - bicycle,
duration – 2,5 hours,
extent – 25 km,
the summary - informative.

Our route "On a meeting with Bialowieza Forest" originates Kaments that is the center of the area. Over the city the brick tower - a unique monument of Old Russian defensive architecture of the second half of the 13th century towers.


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The tower of Kamenets is constructed in 1276 on the river bank Lesnaya and has remained in almost original form. From 30-meter height it is possible to see a picturesque picture of the modern city and its vicinities. Since 1960 the tower of Kamenets is branch of the Brest regional museum of local lore.

The monument to "architect" Oleksa" is established in 1988. It is devoted to "architect" Oleksa whom the Volynsk prince Vladimir Vasilkovich has sent in 1276 to northern borders of the principality to put fortress – future Kamenets.

The attention of the tourist in to Kamenets will be drawn: graceful Sacred and Simeonovsky church - a monument of architecture of the retrospective-Russian style. It is constructed in 1912-1914 of a stone. In volume and plastic structure of the temple forms of the Moscow architecture of 18 century are used. Pride of the temple is the majestic three-storied iconostasis.

The church of Saint apostles Pyotr and Pavel is constructed in 1925 of a stone, in the 90th years the temple is returned to the Catholic diocese.

Church of the Transfiguration is located in the center and Dmitrovichi. It is built from a wooden bar in 1786. Represents the simplest type of an Orthodox church - odnosrubny with the platform on the main facade. The church is one of the most ancient in the territory of the area.

On a height in the center of the agrotown of Kamenyuki near the road leading to the main entrance to national park Church of St. George is placed. The wooden orthodox church 37 meters high, an iconostasis of church have made local woodcarvers.

In Kamenyuki there is an administrative center of National park "Bialowieza Forest" which represents one of the largest forests of flat Europe which has remained in rather undisturbed state till our time. In the museum a variety both vegetable, and fauna of Bialowieza Forest is widely presented to attention of visitors. Near the museum of the nature there are open-air cages with animals. The recovered fairy tale of Bialowieza Forest is "The Belarusian Father Frost's estate" who is the kindest fantastic hero.



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